this is my life

BLOG is just like a diary, its the experience, the lesson, the knowledge and everything in you want others to know about your self.
(hope you enjoy or learn from my blogs)

it’s unforgettable
(this was my 1st blog)

There moments in our life that is just unforgettable. We would say that the most unforgettable moments are when we met our best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, when we has done something very good or when we travel in other places. Those moments are really unforgettable, but there are also some moments which just don’t seem to get erased from our minds. They are sometimes not related to success or happiness. But it gives us feeling of satisfaction.

Let me share you this, one of my most unforgettable moments in high school. It happened many years back but is still unforgotten and sometimes comes back to my mind. And it lets me think of what if. It was not really a great moment but it reminds me of my classmates back in high school.

It was the second day of school. And we were preparing and waiting outside our room to meet our subject teacher. But before we been in that section we have known this teacher for her strictness. She usually burst out her anger and when she asks a question she instantly raises her voice loud making his student shake up and frighten.

That’s why while we wait for her we form our line but pushing each other because no one wants to be first in line. Then she came and said “Why you are pushing each other, what are you afraid of, I will not eat you”. Then she told us to get inside the room. While picking for the chair we want to sit in. We have made noise (actually not much noise as we usually do in other subjects). Prompting our teacher to shout “Can’t you find your chair without any noise?”. But someone came just in time to save us before she can scold us more. When she was going out she said “All of you just sit there and be quiet until I get back”. They walk away far from our room.

Most of us put our hands besides our pounding heart feeling the beat. And one of my classmate even said “Oh that teacher is really some kind of a monster”. Then some of my classmates started going out checking if our teacher is coming back. Then suddenly she came back catching two of my classmates staring at the door. When she got in, she asks “Who got outside?” But no one answered. Then I feel my heart pounding so fast. As if I was guilty. And she said “Okay let’s forget it”.

By the way let me introduce myself, I’m Miss D (D as in devil we sometimes associate it because of the way she act or laugh). Then she added some data of herself. And said “Since I don’t know most of you, Tell me your complete name”. And she asks first in the first row the one sitting in the extreme right side. And guess who? It’s no other than me. I was shaking much that time. My forehead is sweating. Miss D even commented “Haven’t you eaten your lunch”. That’s because my voice sounds like a whisper. But thanks god I uttered my name correctly.

Then soon she asked my classmate next to me up to the other side, where our new classmate from other section is sitting. We know that this man is a good speaker. He can speak English fluently. But when it came to his turn, this young man was like a statue talking nothing, until Miss D raises her voice. He even repeated his name many times because our teacher can’t understand or hear what he is talking. Making the face of this young man look like a white paper. It takes a long time when our new classmate perfectly answered the question.

Then again she moves to the second row until all of us have answered her questions. After that she started the lesson. And ended with giving us a bunch of assignments. And that day became unforgettable for me.

But before I end, let me tell you that our section got lucky. Some of my classmates even said their prayers were answered. Because two weeks after the class have started news broke out. That our very strict teacher can’t return to school and we need to find a substitute teacher because Miss D is going abroad. We were very happy about that. Because it will really meant comfort for us. Then came our new teacher but before she started the class. She reminded us that Miss D will be back in the last grading. “Oowh” And that will be another story.

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