this is my life

(Dapat itong blog na ito ay nakasulat sa wikang Pilipino pero its so hard eh kaya english na lang.)


(Sa mga leaders, wara pa kita naglearn kalesson sa past activities ta haw. Daw gapabaya lang tana ang iba haw.)

Here we go again. Have we not yet learned a lesson, isn’t it? Will the preparation was did well but still some part of it has been overlook. As schedule the scheduled activity was suppose to be held Wednesday, August 19, 2009. But due to some misunderstanding it was cancelled and was move today. (August 24, 2009).

The first part was a symposium and the second part was the modeling of different costumes (Malay, Ethnic, Spanish, Antiqueño inspired). I did not attend the first part coz’ I was more interested for the second part. Well it may have started late but ended well. The models were handsome and beautiful parading their costumes as the audience admires them.

The program has just ended. Well and good for all of us it’s still early. As I was writing this, (kapuy, gab.e run, nagpulaw ko gab.e) the winner in the modeling contest may have been already determine. Hope we win all of it. We have the best models.

For my part, (Pinoy eh, last minute amu pagubra na) the task assign to our department suppose to be help by everyone was single handedly done by me. (Dalok ka ubra mung). But actually it was late for me to get help because there is no class the coming day. Its okay it was already done. I guess I have to give special thanks to the help lend by CYRUSS, DIORENE and INTSiK for helping me put up the backdrop and to LEONARD, DANTE and MICHEAL for arranging the chair. And to JUDE for preparing BEST participants and to the participants as well. Maraming Salamat. (sa sunod liwat)

Sa mga lider na walang ginawa tumulong naman kayu. (Your Help is needed)


Global warning in which for me and many others consider as the worst and most disastrous environmental event. This event is the number one effect of the climate change which is now happening to our planet earth. Today, where the industrialization and technological advancement is rampant this cause to tends the change in climate faster.

In the views, ideas and comments towards the growth of our planet that have been shared by the scientists, experts and environment defenders.

It was really us, the people, and the human race that is the number source of faster global warming. In the past years the change in climate was not so noticeable because the environment changes naturally. Now as man is never contented of what they got. Technologies they need are being more sophisticated to process. In this way it creates more process to produce effect on climate change. For example just like in the field of computers, making a single motherboard contributes a lot to climate change, from the ways to extract its raw materials to the delivery of its final product. As the experts say, every move we made here on earth contributes to the change. By printing this text on the paper, it contributes to the climate change; imagine the trees being cut to make this paper. Those trees may have help lessen the global warming.

We, humans are really to be blame for all of this. We are worth of what we suffer from those strong storm, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake and etc. It is our acts that make these changes happen at the speed we never imagine. We have to change the way we live in a manner that it could help us save this planet. The planet where we live and where our grand children, the next generation will live.

Can you imagine living in a planet without a clean water and air, together with strongest wind and fire storm, typhoon, hurricane and earthquake? We are a bit lucky today. Let us share bit of luck to the future, we have to protect the environment in the best way we can.

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Today is August 12, 2009, 12:03:35 AM, I’m still awake writing this. I’m tired and sleepy then suddenly my phone beeps. She texted to say Good Night maybe not knowing it’s already Good Morning. (No luv u and No swit drmz huh.!) But that’s alright she just reminded me to sleep.

BTW I’m still awake because of something’s to be prepared for tomorrows meeting and the things alike. Now I know how hard it is to be in this position. If just there is an escape I would rather get out there. But there is none. I have to face this together with my very supportive fellow leaders. hmmmmmmmmmmm

I think I better stop here it will be just hours before the sun would came out. I have to recharge myself. I have a lot to do this day (class, meetings, exams, etc.)

GuD eVe..GuD nYt..GuD mORniN’

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(A Rocky Preparation to a Successful Event)

This will be just short. The activity did just started bad but ended successful, the details a top secret. We just have learned a lesson from the pass it’s too bad to have that again. So the conflicts should be better talk off before anything else continues. And that’s one of reason for the success. Maybe my department got just one win. Its alright important is we contributed our part for the success and we showcase our talents and have participants in all categories. There may be a question or conflict in some part of the program but it’s quite understandable. To all participants thank you. To the winners share your blessings. (Libre bi jan) And Bring honor to your department and to our school.

We continue to enhance our talents. And be at the best as we can.

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This activity was a well coordinated in every department and was being prepared well. For our part a slight physical maneuver. The day before the foundation day I together with fellow leaders attended the symposium conducted by the COMELEC and the Diocesan Social Action Center on full election automation of the May 2010 Presidential Election. It was nice being there and to have understanding a bit concept of will happen on election automation.

After the symposium we prepare the snacks for the coming foundation day activity in the morning. That was exclusively prepared for the Engineering and I. T. department.

On the foundation day, the weather seems getting bad. But fortunately, the activity that started with a mass, continue with the presentation of the design for the construction of the ANTIQUE MEDICAL CENTER and ended in a capsule laying, got the better weather. Even if the typhoon haven’t got off the country yet and the rain is still waiting to be poured but none have gone bad just a little cloudy from time to time.

In that afternoon, we conducted a community service at the Gawad Kalinga Site, somewhere in the hilly side of our town. It’s tough to get there but still we proceeded. The experience will just paid it off. In there we planted medical plants (which we brought ourselves), dig drainage and tried to beautify the place. Rain just starts to pour anytime but it didn’t hamper the industrious students of the department to go on working even if some of them get wet by the rain. Thanks a lot those who lifted their hands and help. Its better we have snacks, I just don’t know if other department prepared snacks for their students, thinking they have a bigger budget than we do.

And for the last part, is my part, I have to check if everything is ok, if the equipments used where properly cleaned and taken back to its place. Wow I got so tired. Ow so tired.


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The day two of the summit was the 1st day of August 2009. This time the rain even gets heavier and the blowing winds stronger. I borrow the cell phone of my roommate to listen for some radio news. But as we open the radio on the phone we hear sad news that the former President of the Philippines, Pres. Cory Aquino have just passed away. It was sad my classmate and myself even sent text messages to everyone we know to let them know and to pray the soul of Pres. Aquino. But the news never affected the scheduled activity.

As Prof. R J said the last day, that the next day will be tougher and as expected it is.

The details of the activities would be too long for me to write as I am not fond of writing long articles (hehe). I would say we was given task, a lot of games which is related to our intelligence, many activities that have shared ideas learning’s and this start to mold each of us to a better person. Haha, lucky those who have attended this seminar.

At that night, it’s just like the other night movie at our quarters but if the other night many slept early. In this night many have remained awake as long as they can. As they were saying this is the last night in this summit that I would be with my friends from other schools. Many students have stayed at the corridor to have some chika2x. It was past 12:00 in the midnight that a got out of our quarters to take pee. When I have seen from other room our SACSR Pres., our adviser and some other officers doing something for the activity the next day and when find out that there is a lot that needs to be done I volunteered myself to take some time to help them so that it would be finish faster.

After an hour we finish everything, but together with a fellow officer we tried to check if there is still someone awake. And luckily we found an insomnian’s group (SAHS kamu rah) having chika2x with their roommates. Well we take a lil’ time to have talks with them. And after that move back to our own quarters to take a rest. I entered back to my quarters approximately 2:00 A. M. of August 2, 2009. And I call it a night.

In the last day of the leadership summit I wake up a little late. Maybe because I sleep late but still I have enough time to prepare for the day. The sun shines a little but still rains from time to time. The venue for the continuation was prepared early as leaders have to be punctual. Well the activity was the finalization, the affirmation and evaluation for the past activities. There are still games played. But the part I like most is the giving of compliments to one another which gives me idea that there is a lot of leaders here in the summit wants befriend me. Thanks to all of you. And the SACSR Leadership Summit have ended with a Eucharistic Celebration and giving of certificates to participants. HOME SWEET HOME everyone.

But still I and my department’s task don’t end there. We have to check everything, the venue if it was clean, and the beddings if it was complete, and to check if everything is given back to its place. Wow it’s so hard having everyone to help us as they are in hurry to go home.

Over all it was a success. Would you agree?. Well we have done our best to prepare everything. We shed a lot for our comfort. Thanks to those who help, you have give change. Thanks also to those who didn’t help, at least you know how to be a leader, so be a leader next time. To the diocesan schools, hope you enjoy, learn, and meet new friends. Thanks for coming. Til’ we meet again. If you have anything forgotten to say in the evaluation you can comment it here, so that we can improve. To the industrious janitor, thank you for helping us prepare the rooms. We are just sorry if we left any garbage. But I think we didn’t clean much. To the guard thank you for securing us, you are really a servant leader. To the priest, thanks for the blessing. To the advisers of the high school delegates, thanks for having your time here. To Prof. Molano, thanks a lot for the idea, learning’s and for everything that you share. This will really mold the leadership skills in us. To the God above, we thank you even if it rains at least the storm didn’t take away the roof of our venue. Thanks for the rain and the blowing wind it feels like we are in the air conditioned room. And to everyone it would not be a success if you were not there.

Let us be a LEADER in OURSELVES and SHARE what we have LEARN.. Don’t for the ATTITUDE.. TAYO MISMO ANG GAGAWA. . . .


“On this day we want to express our gratitude, overcome our fears, and take time to appreciate the beauty of life”

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