this is my life

The day two of the summit was the 1st day of August 2009. This time the rain even gets heavier and the blowing winds stronger. I borrow the cell phone of my roommate to listen for some radio news. But as we open the radio on the phone we hear sad news that the former President of the Philippines, Pres. Cory Aquino have just passed away. It was sad my classmate and myself even sent text messages to everyone we know to let them know and to pray the soul of Pres. Aquino. But the news never affected the scheduled activity.

As Prof. R J said the last day, that the next day will be tougher and as expected it is.

The details of the activities would be too long for me to write as I am not fond of writing long articles (hehe). I would say we was given task, a lot of games which is related to our intelligence, many activities that have shared ideas learning’s and this start to mold each of us to a better person. Haha, lucky those who have attended this seminar.

At that night, it’s just like the other night movie at our quarters but if the other night many slept early. In this night many have remained awake as long as they can. As they were saying this is the last night in this summit that I would be with my friends from other schools. Many students have stayed at the corridor to have some chika2x. It was past 12:00 in the midnight that a got out of our quarters to take pee. When I have seen from other room our SACSR Pres., our adviser and some other officers doing something for the activity the next day and when find out that there is a lot that needs to be done I volunteered myself to take some time to help them so that it would be finish faster.

After an hour we finish everything, but together with a fellow officer we tried to check if there is still someone awake. And luckily we found an insomnian’s group (SAHS kamu rah) having chika2x with their roommates. Well we take a lil’ time to have talks with them. And after that move back to our own quarters to take a rest. I entered back to my quarters approximately 2:00 A. M. of August 2, 2009. And I call it a night.

In the last day of the leadership summit I wake up a little late. Maybe because I sleep late but still I have enough time to prepare for the day. The sun shines a little but still rains from time to time. The venue for the continuation was prepared early as leaders have to be punctual. Well the activity was the finalization, the affirmation and evaluation for the past activities. There are still games played. But the part I like most is the giving of compliments to one another which gives me idea that there is a lot of leaders here in the summit wants befriend me. Thanks to all of you. And the SACSR Leadership Summit have ended with a Eucharistic Celebration and giving of certificates to participants. HOME SWEET HOME everyone.

But still I and my department’s task don’t end there. We have to check everything, the venue if it was clean, and the beddings if it was complete, and to check if everything is given back to its place. Wow it’s so hard having everyone to help us as they are in hurry to go home.

Over all it was a success. Would you agree?. Well we have done our best to prepare everything. We shed a lot for our comfort. Thanks to those who help, you have give change. Thanks also to those who didn’t help, at least you know how to be a leader, so be a leader next time. To the diocesan schools, hope you enjoy, learn, and meet new friends. Thanks for coming. Til’ we meet again. If you have anything forgotten to say in the evaluation you can comment it here, so that we can improve. To the industrious janitor, thank you for helping us prepare the rooms. We are just sorry if we left any garbage. But I think we didn’t clean much. To the guard thank you for securing us, you are really a servant leader. To the priest, thanks for the blessing. To the advisers of the high school delegates, thanks for having your time here. To Prof. Molano, thanks a lot for the idea, learning’s and for everything that you share. This will really mold the leadership skills in us. To the God above, we thank you even if it rains at least the storm didn’t take away the roof of our venue. Thanks for the rain and the blowing wind it feels like we are in the air conditioned room. And to everyone it would not be a success if you were not there.

Let us be a LEADER in OURSELVES and SHARE what we have LEARN.. Don’t for the ATTITUDE.. TAYO MISMO ANG GAGAWA. . . .


“On this day we want to express our gratitude, overcome our fears, and take time to appreciate the beauty of life”

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