this is my life

This activity was a well coordinated in every department and was being prepared well. For our part a slight physical maneuver. The day before the foundation day I together with fellow leaders attended the symposium conducted by the COMELEC and the Diocesan Social Action Center on full election automation of the May 2010 Presidential Election. It was nice being there and to have understanding a bit concept of will happen on election automation.

After the symposium we prepare the snacks for the coming foundation day activity in the morning. That was exclusively prepared for the Engineering and I. T. department.

On the foundation day, the weather seems getting bad. But fortunately, the activity that started with a mass, continue with the presentation of the design for the construction of the ANTIQUE MEDICAL CENTER and ended in a capsule laying, got the better weather. Even if the typhoon haven’t got off the country yet and the rain is still waiting to be poured but none have gone bad just a little cloudy from time to time.

In that afternoon, we conducted a community service at the Gawad Kalinga Site, somewhere in the hilly side of our town. It’s tough to get there but still we proceeded. The experience will just paid it off. In there we planted medical plants (which we brought ourselves), dig drainage and tried to beautify the place. Rain just starts to pour anytime but it didn’t hamper the industrious students of the department to go on working even if some of them get wet by the rain. Thanks a lot those who lifted their hands and help. Its better we have snacks, I just don’t know if other department prepared snacks for their students, thinking they have a bigger budget than we do.

And for the last part, is my part, I have to check if everything is ok, if the equipments used where properly cleaned and taken back to its place. Wow I got so tired. Ow so tired.


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