this is my life

It was the last day of July 2009. And it was raining hard. But the scheduled activities of SACSR have to push through, that’s the ANTIQUE YOUTH Leadership Summit, which has been participated by the different students from Antique Diocesan High Schools and by the SACSR Officers itself. This seminar which have been conducted by one of the best Philippine Association of Campus Students Advisers (PACSA) resource speaker, no other than Prof. Renato Jose Ma. V. Molano, a professor from Dela Salle University.

This morning I wake up already raining. But I think even the storm cannot stop the leadership summit to go on (leadership summit as Prof. RJ suggest it). I have a class this morning but I have allotted my time to for a meeting with our dean. What goes out the meeting was the assigning of task to me for the activity for the college foundation day. Well it was considerably acceptable.

Goin’ straight to the leadership summit preparation, (as if we prepare) it was good and it goes on. Maybe we have not prepared for the delegates to come that early. Wow! A leader is punctual I guess. The strong rain, wind or storm didn’t hinder their participation. There mind are set to accept ideas and learning’s to build their leadership skills. It was nice to know that there are so many of them here. I’m sure they find it very useful and they will be proud that they have attended this summit.

Even if the rain was very heavy that students have find time to tour around the college campus to take a glimpse of the college life. Thank you to those who appreciate the school and thank to those college students who serve as tour guides. Hope the tour guides have explained everything well.

Back to the venue (the venue was in the grade school campus). Still it rains but the activity have started and finished all right. Snacks and supper was also served to every one in the course of the activity. And many have slept early this night. They might be tired or they were just following the schedule.

This time I’m sleepy, and to cut short the story the first day of the leadership summit was considerably good. The sleeping quarters was distributed well and as in-charge me together with the very industrious SUPER DUPER MAYOR DANTE, we distributed the beddings prioritizing our invited delegates.

And now at our sleeping quarter, everyone is still awake even if it’s past 11:00 P. M. where in the schedule page of our booklet it is stated lights off is 10:00 P. M. Well the light is off but we remain awake to watch the TRANSFORMERS 2. It’s good I have enough time to check if everything is ok.

Lastly, I was here sitting, watching the movie with the lights off and writing this blog with the aid of my cell phone light. Maybe I would be doing this tomorrow.

We all transform to the better.



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