this is my life

Tomorrow will be my 2nd to the last prelim. And maybe to the first year students is their first prelim. And as always there is so many parents, guardian and students in line to pay their exam fee to the cashier. This is always the situation, the fan cannot cool enough the building because of too many people around. Many students are also busy with their exam schedule and preparation..

This is always the hassle during before exams. I myself have not yet paid my due for exams because of there are so many paying and I have no time to fall in line. Good for those who can pay their account earlier, they have avoided the inconvenience for lining up. But me I just got my money to pay my due just yesterday. That's alright I'm used to it.

The library was also becoming noisy as more and more students are entering there to study. Noisy because some of this students got in there because of the air conditioner that cools the place and to do some ravage talks with their friends. During this times the library is so full of students.

And the teachers are busy preparing and reviewing their exams. Making sure they at least minimize the errors in their test papers. Also the photocopying shop are busy and full of students. This is cause by the students who just depend to photocopy their classmates notes. Most of them have just got a copy of their lessons the days before the exams. It was very obvious now a days that many students just depend on photocopies of their classmates notes. Others just take a pic of their chalkboard and some record their teachers lesson. How bad.

Is that part of technology?

Well we are in the 21st century now.

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