this is my life

..this is it i have come back!

..today is the ended first week of class here at SAC
and the first friday of the suppose to be that class week
this is maybe the first sacsr activity this 2nd semester
..this first activity of my last semester here, hope so the last
(..kakapuy man!)

..amm just being powered by my supportive fellows and my inspiration!
(okeh lng ra kapuy gani peru sadja man ah)

would you belive that i have dancefrom those lousy tunes (NAAHH!)

..this time in this another successful activity
..again i guess i did my very part more than that
..more that what is expected maybe
..am i ryt?

..tired and weary
..but still kickin' and freakin' high in energy

Bitin ang disco rod?mmi'k?
..cge lng duru pa jan rah.

..well am kind of sleepy now
..hai dixiee budlay man kinad.anon a laptop mu
daw di na q pagp2rugun kda gab.E (be patient lng)

..goin to sleep now!

..2rug ko muok 2rug run k.iba m.isturbo pa pag hurakog!

..rod nuh?

..well it's been months past ..and now a break for the 1st semester ..hopefully i'd be free from work ..hopefully..




(Dapat itong blog na ito ay nakasulat sa wikang Pilipino pero its so hard eh kaya english na lang.)


(Sa mga leaders, wara pa kita naglearn kalesson sa past activities ta haw. Daw gapabaya lang tana ang iba haw.)

Here we go again. Have we not yet learned a lesson, isn’t it? Will the preparation was did well but still some part of it has been overlook. As schedule the scheduled activity was suppose to be held Wednesday, August 19, 2009. But due to some misunderstanding it was cancelled and was move today. (August 24, 2009).

The first part was a symposium and the second part was the modeling of different costumes (Malay, Ethnic, Spanish, Antiqueño inspired). I did not attend the first part coz’ I was more interested for the second part. Well it may have started late but ended well. The models were handsome and beautiful parading their costumes as the audience admires them.

The program has just ended. Well and good for all of us it’s still early. As I was writing this, (kapuy, gab.e run, nagpulaw ko gab.e) the winner in the modeling contest may have been already determine. Hope we win all of it. We have the best models.

For my part, (Pinoy eh, last minute amu pagubra na) the task assign to our department suppose to be help by everyone was single handedly done by me. (Dalok ka ubra mung). But actually it was late for me to get help because there is no class the coming day. Its okay it was already done. I guess I have to give special thanks to the help lend by CYRUSS, DIORENE and INTSiK for helping me put up the backdrop and to LEONARD, DANTE and MICHEAL for arranging the chair. And to JUDE for preparing BEST participants and to the participants as well. Maraming Salamat. (sa sunod liwat)

Sa mga lider na walang ginawa tumulong naman kayu. (Your Help is needed)


Global warning in which for me and many others consider as the worst and most disastrous environmental event. This event is the number one effect of the climate change which is now happening to our planet earth. Today, where the industrialization and technological advancement is rampant this cause to tends the change in climate faster.

In the views, ideas and comments towards the growth of our planet that have been shared by the scientists, experts and environment defenders.

It was really us, the people, and the human race that is the number source of faster global warming. In the past years the change in climate was not so noticeable because the environment changes naturally. Now as man is never contented of what they got. Technologies they need are being more sophisticated to process. In this way it creates more process to produce effect on climate change. For example just like in the field of computers, making a single motherboard contributes a lot to climate change, from the ways to extract its raw materials to the delivery of its final product. As the experts say, every move we made here on earth contributes to the change. By printing this text on the paper, it contributes to the climate change; imagine the trees being cut to make this paper. Those trees may have help lessen the global warming.

We, humans are really to be blame for all of this. We are worth of what we suffer from those strong storm, typhoon, hurricane, earthquake and etc. It is our acts that make these changes happen at the speed we never imagine. We have to change the way we live in a manner that it could help us save this planet. The planet where we live and where our grand children, the next generation will live.

Can you imagine living in a planet without a clean water and air, together with strongest wind and fire storm, typhoon, hurricane and earthquake? We are a bit lucky today. Let us share bit of luck to the future, we have to protect the environment in the best way we can.

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Today is August 12, 2009, 12:03:35 AM, I’m still awake writing this. I’m tired and sleepy then suddenly my phone beeps. She texted to say Good Night maybe not knowing it’s already Good Morning. (No luv u and No swit drmz huh.!) But that’s alright she just reminded me to sleep.

BTW I’m still awake because of something’s to be prepared for tomorrows meeting and the things alike. Now I know how hard it is to be in this position. If just there is an escape I would rather get out there. But there is none. I have to face this together with my very supportive fellow leaders. hmmmmmmmmmmm

I think I better stop here it will be just hours before the sun would came out. I have to recharge myself. I have a lot to do this day (class, meetings, exams, etc.)

GuD eVe..GuD nYt..GuD mORniN’

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(A Rocky Preparation to a Successful Event)

This will be just short. The activity did just started bad but ended successful, the details a top secret. We just have learned a lesson from the pass it’s too bad to have that again. So the conflicts should be better talk off before anything else continues. And that’s one of reason for the success. Maybe my department got just one win. Its alright important is we contributed our part for the success and we showcase our talents and have participants in all categories. There may be a question or conflict in some part of the program but it’s quite understandable. To all participants thank you. To the winners share your blessings. (Libre bi jan) And Bring honor to your department and to our school.

We continue to enhance our talents. And be at the best as we can.

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This activity was a well coordinated in every department and was being prepared well. For our part a slight physical maneuver. The day before the foundation day I together with fellow leaders attended the symposium conducted by the COMELEC and the Diocesan Social Action Center on full election automation of the May 2010 Presidential Election. It was nice being there and to have understanding a bit concept of will happen on election automation.

After the symposium we prepare the snacks for the coming foundation day activity in the morning. That was exclusively prepared for the Engineering and I. T. department.

On the foundation day, the weather seems getting bad. But fortunately, the activity that started with a mass, continue with the presentation of the design for the construction of the ANTIQUE MEDICAL CENTER and ended in a capsule laying, got the better weather. Even if the typhoon haven’t got off the country yet and the rain is still waiting to be poured but none have gone bad just a little cloudy from time to time.

In that afternoon, we conducted a community service at the Gawad Kalinga Site, somewhere in the hilly side of our town. It’s tough to get there but still we proceeded. The experience will just paid it off. In there we planted medical plants (which we brought ourselves), dig drainage and tried to beautify the place. Rain just starts to pour anytime but it didn’t hamper the industrious students of the department to go on working even if some of them get wet by the rain. Thanks a lot those who lifted their hands and help. Its better we have snacks, I just don’t know if other department prepared snacks for their students, thinking they have a bigger budget than we do.

And for the last part, is my part, I have to check if everything is ok, if the equipments used where properly cleaned and taken back to its place. Wow I got so tired. Ow so tired.


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The day two of the summit was the 1st day of August 2009. This time the rain even gets heavier and the blowing winds stronger. I borrow the cell phone of my roommate to listen for some radio news. But as we open the radio on the phone we hear sad news that the former President of the Philippines, Pres. Cory Aquino have just passed away. It was sad my classmate and myself even sent text messages to everyone we know to let them know and to pray the soul of Pres. Aquino. But the news never affected the scheduled activity.

As Prof. R J said the last day, that the next day will be tougher and as expected it is.

The details of the activities would be too long for me to write as I am not fond of writing long articles (hehe). I would say we was given task, a lot of games which is related to our intelligence, many activities that have shared ideas learning’s and this start to mold each of us to a better person. Haha, lucky those who have attended this seminar.

At that night, it’s just like the other night movie at our quarters but if the other night many slept early. In this night many have remained awake as long as they can. As they were saying this is the last night in this summit that I would be with my friends from other schools. Many students have stayed at the corridor to have some chika2x. It was past 12:00 in the midnight that a got out of our quarters to take pee. When I have seen from other room our SACSR Pres., our adviser and some other officers doing something for the activity the next day and when find out that there is a lot that needs to be done I volunteered myself to take some time to help them so that it would be finish faster.

After an hour we finish everything, but together with a fellow officer we tried to check if there is still someone awake. And luckily we found an insomnian’s group (SAHS kamu rah) having chika2x with their roommates. Well we take a lil’ time to have talks with them. And after that move back to our own quarters to take a rest. I entered back to my quarters approximately 2:00 A. M. of August 2, 2009. And I call it a night.

In the last day of the leadership summit I wake up a little late. Maybe because I sleep late but still I have enough time to prepare for the day. The sun shines a little but still rains from time to time. The venue for the continuation was prepared early as leaders have to be punctual. Well the activity was the finalization, the affirmation and evaluation for the past activities. There are still games played. But the part I like most is the giving of compliments to one another which gives me idea that there is a lot of leaders here in the summit wants befriend me. Thanks to all of you. And the SACSR Leadership Summit have ended with a Eucharistic Celebration and giving of certificates to participants. HOME SWEET HOME everyone.

But still I and my department’s task don’t end there. We have to check everything, the venue if it was clean, and the beddings if it was complete, and to check if everything is given back to its place. Wow it’s so hard having everyone to help us as they are in hurry to go home.

Over all it was a success. Would you agree?. Well we have done our best to prepare everything. We shed a lot for our comfort. Thanks to those who help, you have give change. Thanks also to those who didn’t help, at least you know how to be a leader, so be a leader next time. To the diocesan schools, hope you enjoy, learn, and meet new friends. Thanks for coming. Til’ we meet again. If you have anything forgotten to say in the evaluation you can comment it here, so that we can improve. To the industrious janitor, thank you for helping us prepare the rooms. We are just sorry if we left any garbage. But I think we didn’t clean much. To the guard thank you for securing us, you are really a servant leader. To the priest, thanks for the blessing. To the advisers of the high school delegates, thanks for having your time here. To Prof. Molano, thanks a lot for the idea, learning’s and for everything that you share. This will really mold the leadership skills in us. To the God above, we thank you even if it rains at least the storm didn’t take away the roof of our venue. Thanks for the rain and the blowing wind it feels like we are in the air conditioned room. And to everyone it would not be a success if you were not there.

Let us be a LEADER in OURSELVES and SHARE what we have LEARN.. Don’t for the ATTITUDE.. TAYO MISMO ANG GAGAWA. . . .


“On this day we want to express our gratitude, overcome our fears, and take time to appreciate the beauty of life”

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It was the last day of July 2009. And it was raining hard. But the scheduled activities of SACSR have to push through, that’s the ANTIQUE YOUTH Leadership Summit, which has been participated by the different students from Antique Diocesan High Schools and by the SACSR Officers itself. This seminar which have been conducted by one of the best Philippine Association of Campus Students Advisers (PACSA) resource speaker, no other than Prof. Renato Jose Ma. V. Molano, a professor from Dela Salle University.

This morning I wake up already raining. But I think even the storm cannot stop the leadership summit to go on (leadership summit as Prof. RJ suggest it). I have a class this morning but I have allotted my time to for a meeting with our dean. What goes out the meeting was the assigning of task to me for the activity for the college foundation day. Well it was considerably acceptable.

Goin’ straight to the leadership summit preparation, (as if we prepare) it was good and it goes on. Maybe we have not prepared for the delegates to come that early. Wow! A leader is punctual I guess. The strong rain, wind or storm didn’t hinder their participation. There mind are set to accept ideas and learning’s to build their leadership skills. It was nice to know that there are so many of them here. I’m sure they find it very useful and they will be proud that they have attended this summit.

Even if the rain was very heavy that students have find time to tour around the college campus to take a glimpse of the college life. Thank you to those who appreciate the school and thank to those college students who serve as tour guides. Hope the tour guides have explained everything well.

Back to the venue (the venue was in the grade school campus). Still it rains but the activity have started and finished all right. Snacks and supper was also served to every one in the course of the activity. And many have slept early this night. They might be tired or they were just following the schedule.

This time I’m sleepy, and to cut short the story the first day of the leadership summit was considerably good. The sleeping quarters was distributed well and as in-charge me together with the very industrious SUPER DUPER MAYOR DANTE, we distributed the beddings prioritizing our invited delegates.

And now at our sleeping quarter, everyone is still awake even if it’s past 11:00 P. M. where in the schedule page of our booklet it is stated lights off is 10:00 P. M. Well the light is off but we remain awake to watch the TRANSFORMERS 2. It’s good I have enough time to check if everything is ok.

Lastly, I was here sitting, watching the movie with the lights off and writing this blog with the aid of my cell phone light. Maybe I would be doing this tomorrow.

We all transform to the better.



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It have been days ago when the preliminary examination period for the college ended but still many students wonder if they pass that exam. Lot’s of test papers have not yet been check or return. Many scores have not yet been known if it got pass or didn’t reach the passing point. As always in years of my stay in the college it is always been like that. There are even times that test papers are not known by student if it was check or what.

Well maybe the teachers are such busy that they can’t afford to check all those test papers. Heyy!! Sir/Maam we are here to help you. Or maybe they don’t need our help because those answers in that test are only understandable by them.

That’s okay if they just be fair when it comes with our grade. It will be a great help if we just know where we got wrong so that next time we could correct it.

Prelim is finish and moving towards midterm. Last week give the equilibrium for all the student activities to give way for the prelim. The school was quiet in these times and you seldom see students murmuring outside their rooms. Even students outside the library are being scolded for having noisy conversation as in normal days teachers would just pass by them. And the library is the only place getting very noisy in these periods.

Maybe it was just a tradition or culture or just a mere routine or these things maybe happening because these people have just follow what they have seen from people ahead of them.
Can we tear it down and put it to end. Better change these attitudes.

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Today is start of our prelim. But how do we prepare for exams. Me its just simple. Let me share. For the past years I have been in school I have develop this routines during examination period. You may gain something from these. It's not a guarantee you pass or perfect your exams but I have been doing it and it seems to be beneficial.

I start with attending my class regularly and having a copy of our lessons. Because if I don't have, I will have nothing to study. During the weeks before examination period I scan my notes from time to time. There is no need to memorize everything in my notes. Just to be familiar with past and new lessons we have.

At the night before the exams, I study little and I make sure I could sleep early to get enough sleep of at least 8 hours. Sleeping early helps our mind to relax more. Because trying or continuing to study while feeling sleepy will have no effect. It will just waste time.

On the day of exams I do wake up very early, because waking up too late will make your body and mind feel exhausted. When I wake up this early I just sake off my sleepiness and start study in this time it's quite very quiet that's why I could study well. This time the mind accepts more ideas and lessons being studied because it feels fresh.

After repeatedly studying my lessons until the sun is up. I would go outside look for some greens, inhale some fresh air and to some stretching before I take a bath. This routine makes my body, my eyes, my mind feel relax.

At school I don't usually study my lessons just before the start of exams because it will just make my mind cram. And it will just confused everything. I just do some chat with my friends to relax my mind.

That's all. May you have learn from this. You can try it and see yourself if its effective. May we pass all our exams. GOOD LUCK.

Hope you comeback for more>>>

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Tomorrow will be my 2nd to the last prelim. And maybe to the first year students is their first prelim. And as always there is so many parents, guardian and students in line to pay their exam fee to the cashier. This is always the situation, the fan cannot cool enough the building because of too many people around. Many students are also busy with their exam schedule and preparation..

This is always the hassle during before exams. I myself have not yet paid my due for exams because of there are so many paying and I have no time to fall in line. Good for those who can pay their account earlier, they have avoided the inconvenience for lining up. But me I just got my money to pay my due just yesterday. That's alright I'm used to it.

The library was also becoming noisy as more and more students are entering there to study. Noisy because some of this students got in there because of the air conditioner that cools the place and to do some ravage talks with their friends. During this times the library is so full of students.

And the teachers are busy preparing and reviewing their exams. Making sure they at least minimize the errors in their test papers. Also the photocopying shop are busy and full of students. This is cause by the students who just depend to photocopy their classmates notes. Most of them have just got a copy of their lessons the days before the exams. It was very obvious now a days that many students just depend on photocopies of their classmates notes. Others just take a pic of their chalkboard and some record their teachers lesson. How bad.

Is that part of technology?

Well we are in the 21st century now.

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Today is a nice day. The tropical storm maybe has gone out of the Philippines. Many clothes have been out to be dried by the sun. I have just finished washing my uniforms. It was indeed a sunny day.

This weeks school activities for me was just like normal days. Meeting here and there have been conducted. Letters, task distribution and everything2x have been done. There is the preparation for the SACSR upcoming leadership seminar. It have started early I guess maybe because of the lessons learned from the past activities.

It was not that busy for me. This things help me build my experience and makes new learning’s. The week has given me and my classmates’ lots of exams and deadlines for project/research work. Maybe that is because of the coming week will be our preliminary examination period.

Last Friday, July 17, 2009 was my first time to preside a meeting to my fellow engineering officers. It was a success I guess as I have prepared for it a lot. The set of engineering officers this school year for me was the best, as most of them are very cooperative. Hopefully we will conduct more successful meeting.

Came Saturday, it my time to study for the coming exams but unfortunately for officers like me, we have to attend a symposium as we are being requested to. At first, I think it was a hassle but after the activity I’m thankful I have learned something from it also.

Today is Sunday; maybe I could have more time to study. If time would permit me though. Hopefully, there is no one; there is nothing that could distract me. After I write this blog I have to a lot my whole time this day to study my lessons.

So until the next, wish us good luck for our exams.

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If there is negative; there will always be positive.

Brown out means there is no electricity. So when its brown out there is probably be no light, no music, no computer games and etc. etc. it just means for me that I have more time to study. Because when there is electricity students tend to forget to study their lessons because of activities like playing computer games.

It was Saturday, July 11, 2009. I wake up with the heavy rain pouring outside our house. The tropical storm has not yet ended. How could I wash my uniforms with these heavy rain it would not be dried. Then hour later as the rain get heavier the electricity shutdown. Well I have to prepare for my class and wait for this rain to stop.

I got to school after the rain stop momentarily. But as soon as I enter the school gate the rain starts pouring again. Our class started and finished smoothly even if the noise from the generator and the rain interrupt us from time to time.

After the class, my classmates decided to go home straight because since its brown out there are no computer shops open. The good thing is that their money is save from wasting it to pay for a computer rent to play DOTA. I too decided to go home.

At home it’s still brown out. So I change my clothes and get my book to study my lessons. That is not what I usually do. Because when there is electricity I would usually play need for speed at my computer or just explore anything there. Many times I forget to study because of that.

So don’t get mad when there is a brown out. From time to time, it gives us time to change our routine and explore other things. It give us students time to study though it gives us also inconvenience. Family tends to bond during times like these. And I would not be writing this blog if it was not brown out. See the reason behind?

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Friday, it was about 9 am in the morning and my class is 9:30 am I was still at home I could not go out of our house because of the tropical storm that causes heavy rain. It’s very bad I have no ride going school I have to wait for a tricycle or the rain lo at least stop for a moment so that I could walk to find a ride. Since our house is far from the main road.

But leave it there, the week is towards its end. The SAC student republic has again conducted successful activity this week. As part of the series of the ecological solid waste management program, we have conducted a poster – slogan contest in relevance with the program. With its objective to hone the talents of the participants and to raise ecological solid waste management awareness through their masterpiece. The activity was participated by two departments mostly of the participants came from the engineering department and only one from business department. The participants showed their talents with their own technique and style. But for me their all winner because their works have its uniqueness (emo-style, abstract, cartoons, realistic). All participants was very good as well as the judges. We thank you for you sharing time and talents.

Wow.. That’s all in this week it was just like a normal week for me no hassles in the activities. Hassles are only from the bad weather which is unpredictable; it is sometime sunny but most of the time rainy. I think this rain wouldn’t stop for now. Well its better to get absent than to go on schooling and be wet by the rain and get sick. Hope we have no exam. zZZZzi!i!mij

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Last week we have conducted a two successful activity. First was the launching of our ecological solid waste management program (ESWMP) for our school. It started with a symposium. Many students have come to witness, get involve and be inform of the proper solid waste management.

There were so many students attended maybe because some really like to participate in the activity but many were also force because they have no choice but to stay inside the school because the gate was closed. Well just blame us we just wanted ourselves and you students to be educated with how we properly manage our waste. It’s for our sake also as we all know our mother earth is striving hard to survive. In a little contribution on proper waste management maybe we could lengthen the life of this planet for ourselves, our children, our grand children and for the coming generation. Thanks a lot to those who participated, hope we practice what we learned in the activity. And those who have not, you better think it over, you might have something you can contribute for our planet to live longer.

The second activity was the in school clean up drive that was participated mostly industrious 1st year students and some higher year’s students. This clean up drive which aims to promote cleanliness in the campus is part of the ecological solid waste management program. Here we have practice waste segregation. Students watch the demonstration on how recyclable were utilize to be made to other useful and money-making products. Thanks to the 1st years and thanks a lot to the higher years that have contributed their effort. It’s not the end yet hope you participate again in the coming clean ups. It was worth it, the activity would not have been successful if we have not helped each other.

And this time we are not so busy. As we see in our calendar there has been only one activity inline for this week. The poster slogan making contest which is also a part series of the ecological solid waste management program, here tend the minds of the participants to show their talents and give concern to the environment through their art and also to educated those who will see their masterpiece. Hope we continue to participate and practice ecological solid waste management.

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It’s been almost a month now since the class started that we student officers are serving and creating activities for the students’ development. We have put a lot of effort, our time for other matters have been spent here and sometimes we got absent in our class because there is something that needs to be done. We need to cancel other activities we have outside the school just to give way to school activities where we are in charge of. Some or maybe many of these officers aren’t here to serve because they are willing to serve. But they were here because they were force to. Just like me I wasn’t here if I were not force to. But thanks I was enjoying the challenge. That was me what about the others they were force and they are not enjoying it but still they serve to their best. Just to help improve our school.

Just few days ago I heard from some students (sa chika2x) that some teachers are complaining about things like this and things like that. I will not disclose the details. But in some points these teachers are criticizing on some of the teachers that are helping the student republic and to its student leaders.

Well, if it was constructive criticism then its good so that we know were we got wrong and what we could improve. But if it was something like a ravage criticism then that’s not good, to those who’s doing that you better think twice did you ever take your part in helping the student orgs. If so then you know how hard it is to organize activities if not all of the persons involve are not cooperating to understand the setback.

I know it was just a technical error, we didn’t mean to have that. We are trying to be at least perfect. We are just HUMANs. We are not perfect. And we could never be. ARE YOU?. So just help us improve because we are doing everything to improve our selves to. We are just at the beginning of the school year. Is the student republic are yet to face many of these setbacks in coming months? Hope not.
We are putting a lot of our time and effort here.

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Behind those happiness and enjoyment of the students in our oath taking and socialization night is the nerve cracking pressure for us (SR officers).

It was JUNE 26, 2009 as the scheduled activity will start at 7:00 PM. It is approximately 20 minutes to 5 o’clock PM. I was in the student republic office then suddenly I heard a bad news from a fellow officer. That the sound system they have contacted have back out for the reason that there is no contract signed for it. Wow it that last minutes before the activity. It may have been that there is someone who offered them much bigger pay for their services.

It was really a big problem. As we think of the solution, some member of the SR tried to contact other sound system to service the activity. And as a contingency, I suggested to prepare the school sound system and its operator just incase there is a need for it. And as we ask permission to the in charge office to use the school sound system, another problem arise, the officer in charge told us that there have been no letter or permission slip submitted to the office for the use of the venue and other facilities. But thanks the officer in charge gave us a chance to comply for it in that last minute of office.

Again as we go back to the student republic office, comes another problem, the backdrop for the stage has not yet been set to its place, the chairs scattered around the venue and was not yet arrange. But thanks to the loving service of our future engineers who help me and my fellow officers to prepare the venue and the stage.

It was approaching 6 PM, some students have been coming in, as the scheduled attendance check was 6:30 PM. Yet there is no bit of sound you can hear from the venue, as it was just like a normal evening. A minute after 2 officers approached us that they have contacted a sound system and it was looking good. But to check it me and 3 other officer went to the owner. They confirmed to service us provided we find a truck for them to carry their equipment to the venue; I guess that’s another problem. Now as we look for that truck. And minutes later we find none.

Unfortunately, come another problem, the operator contacted us asking that if we could find a truck. We gave them 2 hours to set up their equipment before our program could start.

WOow!!! I think its too late to do that, many students have been in school now. It been approximately 30 minutes after 6:00 PM so I suggested we go with the contingency plan, use the school sound system. And just rent the lights.

Unfortunately again, the sound system owner wouldn’t let us rent their lights and music. But comes another suggestion from another officer that there is someone who could let us rent their equipment. So the two officers were dispatch to get it.

continue here..

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Back to the school, the student where all over the campus, I think they were excited and that they have prepare their outfit well. But us officers still in our school uniform, (the plan was to change clothes before the program start), but there is no time for that. Because the venue was still so silent, we fast track the process of turning on the sound system so that it will sound like a party.

Lot of thanks to the school sound system operator he came to the rescue but he reminded us that the school sound system is unstable. That it might malfunction or shut down as the activity goes on.

But for us it is the remedy of the situation. As I though it all end their, the SR president approached me that the computer for attendance checking was not yet set up. This time with the help of ROTC officers we set it up and thanks to some of my fellow engineering students who volunteered to be in charge of the attendance checking.

YESS!!! The program started smoothly. But still other students wondering and asking me is there still a disco. As they have seen there is no disco light in the center. I was also wondering, if there would be. Because we don’t have disco lights and dance music and the two officers have not yet returned or contacted us.

Fortunately this time a minute later as the program continue two guys entered the center of the venue carrying the disco lights. Seeing them I was finally relieved and the disco party would go on.

Thanks GOD I could go home and change outfit. But as I returned I was deeply saddened to find out that one of the group from my department were not given a chance to perform as they have prepared a lot. Maybe the fault and the blame would be pointed to me. As I was thinking that it was clear in our meeting that my department has two presentations. But I would humbly accept the blame. As I could not blame others maybe because they were also pressure to remember the sequence. I take the responsibility to explain that to the group. And I promise them to let them perform in the next activity so that what they have practice would not go to waste.

And the party goes on, the band performance was good, I think the students enjoyed it. It was all set up and going good. The band ended but still the disco party continues.
Unfortunately again and again, minutes to the end of the program. The school sound system finally bugs down and automatically shut itself off. I guess it all end up there and the party is over. We have to go home now. But as a leading officer the program would not end there. We are obliged to check if everything is ok. We have to rearrange back the venue. Return everything to its place. And at least a little clean up.

In the gate waiting for a ride going home, in my mind I commend the security; it was very peaceful during and even after the activity. A squad of military was there even before the venue was set up. ROTC officers were all prepared. The three guards were all strict performing their duties. The Policemen was also there and the tanods securing the vicinity outside the school. I have seen the PNP patrolling even after the program. I guess the early dispatch of letters to their office have benefitted us a lot. Over all security was great. Thanks a lot to Sir Lopez for his security recommendation. But also I take pride in saying I was part of that, as I was in charge in one way or another.

I was here at home now and it was minutes to 1 o’clock AM. Writing this because this was the first time I experience that and for you not to experience these things. I was thinking it over and over as I could say it was a successful activity in some way. Hope next time we do it better that we give time on preparation and to focus on the critical part of the activity.
May you have learned from this experience.
Yes and thank GOD for the strength.

Lesson learned; Pressure is breathtaking.

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